
Safe future of nuclear energy in the Republic of Korea!

The Korea Research Institute of Decommissioning takes charge,


Leading the nuclear industry with

world-class nuclear decommissioning technologies,

Pursuing a clean natural environment through safe nuclear decommissioning,

And spearheading the advancement of nuclear decommissioning technology for a safer world

Research Fields
Research Areas

Remote cutting

Remote cutting

Remote cutting technology is required to prevent radiation exposure to workers and to effectively dismantle activated structures during the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. The KRID is conducting various studies with the aim of commercializing the technology through an assessment of the field applicability of remote cutting technology for activated structures.




Decontamination refers to physical/chemical removal of radioactive contamination in various systems, components, concrete, site, etc.


Decommissioning Treatment

Decommissioning Treatment

The KRID is conducting various research activities aimed at commercializing an integrated melting reduction system composed of a Induction Melting (IM) system, a Plasma Torch Melting (PTM) system, and associated exhaust gas treatment facilities. This system effectively melts metallic and mixed waste to minimize radioactive waste, prevent the spread of radioactive contamination, maximize recycling/reuse, and optimize radioactive waste management.


Site Remediation

Site Remediation

During the decommissioning process, it is necessary to develop the plans for decommissioning activities such as building demolitions, and to develop remote measurement technology for radioactive contamination inside buildings to ensure that radiation exposure to workers is kept “as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).”
To this end, the KRID is conducting various studies to demonstrate and verify radioactivity measurement technologies applied to nuclear decommissioning sites and aimed at commercializing these technologies.


Radioactive Waste Characterization

Radioactive Waste Characterization

Implementation of analytical facility to analyze radioactivity in decommissioning wastes of low level or under that are generated in over several thousand tons during nuclear decommissioning and quantitative properties of such wastes.


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