

  • Chemical/physical decontamination of systems/equipment

    Decontamination refers to physical/chemical removal of
    radioactive contamination in various systems, components,
    concrete, site, etc.

    The KRID is conducting various studies with the aim of
    commercializing the technology through an assessment of the
    field applicability of various decontamination technologies for
    system, equipment, etc.

  • Research Description

    • Commercial development of organic acid-based chemical
      decontamination process and equipment
    • Commercial development of non-chelating chemical
      decontamination process and equipment
    • Development of automated blasting decontamination
      equipment and system

Types of decontamination technologies

Primary System of LWR
Concrete equipment decontamination

(Ref. Decontamination and Dismantling
of Radioactive Concrete Structure, NEA, 2011)

Chemical decontamination equipment (KEPCO KPS)
Before/after RCP decontamination (KEPCO KPS)

Contact Info.

Name Tel. E-mail
Kim, Seon-il 054-704-6536
Kim, Joon-hyeon 054-704-6545
Kim, Do-yeob 054-704-6554
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